- pl.Holländer
- a practice where animals are leased (usually cows), and the lessee accepts payment for the lease by receiving a portion of the milk produced (usually 50%) by the animal. This practice began in Holland, but it was also utilized by people outside of that country that were not from Holland.
- a Dutch person (from any region)
- person from Holland (a region in the Netherlands)
- the name, title or occupation of the person who practices this specific leasing of animals. For example: "Holländer Beckmann of Demzin" referred to Levin Beckmann of Demzin around 1810, and upon his death in 1813 to his son Joachim Beckmann of Demzin who took over the business of doing such leasing.
- pl.Holländer
- Clipping of Papierholländer; Hollander beater