Gender and declensions of German nouns



  • pl.Felder
  • gen.Feld(e)s
  1. area where action, often competitional, takes placefield, practical observation
  2. area where action, often competitional, takes placefield, playing field
  3. area where action, often competitional, takes placefield, battlefield
  4. field (plot of open land, especially one used to grow crops)
  5. field, a domain of work, knowledge, study
  6. a defined area where something is put in, where information is suppliedfield, background
  7. a defined area where something is put in, where information is suppliedarray
  8. a defined area where something is put in, where information is suppliedsquare
  9. a defined area where something is put in, where information is suppliedsquare

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